The Puppy Diaries: Bambi and her Basset Bambino's Part One
By Debbie and Malcolm Ellrich, Malrich Basset Hounds
Debbie and Malcolm Ellrich of Malrich kennel are experienced breeders of Basset Hounds. They each have 35 years’ experience of breeding and have had many litters over the years.
Together they own Bambi, a 3-year-old homebred Basset Hound who they mated with “Adam” Malrich Stand N’ Deliver, a 5-year-old homebred stud dog.
This is the first of a series of Puppy Diaries with the Wellness CORE Breeder Programme. We will be following Bambi the Basset Hound and her journey from pregnancy to birth to weaning over the next few months.
We began showing Bambi and she had a good start to her showing career, winning well in puppy and junior but her showing career was halted due to Covid.
Bambi displayed some exceptional qualities of making a good brood bitch, so we made the decision to mate her our homebred stud dog, “Adam” Malrich Stand N’ Deliver.
Adam is 5 years old and has given the Malrich kennel some fantastic puppies over the last 5 years. His father is an Australian and American Ch “The Coachman” and his mother is homebred English Ch Malrich Ana Steele. “Coach” was used for a complete outcross as Ana Steele was very closely bred. Adam has won several firsts, as well as a RCC and a BIS, despite note being a fan of the show ring.
Colour: Full black blanket with no white blaze on her face. Brown eyebrows, and a slight white smudge on her muzzle
Photo Credit: Michaela Prenosilova
“Adam” Malrich Stand N’ Deliver
Colour: a traditional tri colour with a beautiful rich brown head
Photo Credit: Jason Vaughan
At 4 and a half weeks after mating, I took her for a scan and the pregnancy was confirmed… she had 4 puppies on the way!
From then, Bambi grew bigger and bigger.
We were fortunate as Bambi had a typical pregnancy. We made the decision to feed her Wellness CORE Puppy Original during her pregnancy and she maintained her condition and health throughout.
Her due date was the 8th of October, but the morning of the 5th of October she looked very uncomfortable. She took a while to eat her breakfast – even though she normally eats it straight away – and she then slept for several hours.
In the early afternoon she kept lying on her back and rolling about – just how a Basset would scratch themselves – but we then noticed her legs stiffen… she was pushing! Although we have whelped litters before, this position was a first for me, but we know each bitch can be different during whelping.
She kept pushing and the pushing then intensified.
After a short time, I could see the fluid sack appear but recognised the puppy was in a breach position. I knew she would need help, so I asked my husband to hold her head while I assisted. We helped get the puppy out and Bambi let everyone know that he was here; she isn’t normally vocal!
And there we go; puppy number 1 was born - a black blanket male weighing 15.5oz at 15.03pm.
An hour and a half later, number 2 arrived - another black blanket male. And another 15 minutes after that, number 3 was here - a smaller black blanket bitch - the first girl!
At 17.19pm number 4 arrived, another girl!
But wait… Bambi was still huge! It was obvious she still had more puppies to come…
Steadily through the evening, puppies kept on arriving with the final one arriving at 12.28am.
Bambi whelped 8 dogs and 3 bitches: 7 black dogs, 1 red and white dog, 2 black bitches, and 1 red and white bitch.
To get 2 red and whites was a surprise, however the grandparents on both sides are red blanket Bassets.
We’re pleased to share Bambi’s pregnancy and whelping experience with the CORE Breeder Family.
Please stick with us on our journey with the puppies until they leave to their forever homes.