Summer Safety Tips
☀️ Summer is here! ☀️
Summer is finally here and we can at long last make the most of the longer days, warmer spells and make the most of our days out with our pooches. It's great to get bit of sunshine, but much like us, our dogs need protection during these warmer months.
Keeping our pets hydrated is crucial during the summer, especially when out for a walk where they often want to play and explore. Bringing a bottle of water for them and encouraging them to drink will help keep them hydrated and reduce the risk of overheating. Some dogs find it difficult to calm down during play, so having water ready for them at home can be helpful.
Careful Exercise
Taking your dogs for their walks during the coolest times of day, such as early morning and late evenings, will be the safest times to take them out. The warmest parts of the day tend to be between 11am - 3pm, so avoid going out during these times.
Walking in woodland areas can keep them out of the sun and the areas tend to be a lot cooler compared to being out in the open.
During prolonged heatwaves, the temperatures can remain high even into the evening, so on some occasions, walks may not be possible. Whilst some dogs may feel too warm to do much, others may need some mental stimulation, see our tips here:
Summer Treats
Dogs can certainly enjoy a frozen snack along with us. Ice-cream can be a nice, occasional treat, but be mindful that most dogs are lactose intolerant, so be sure to limit human ice cream. There are thankfully lots of dog safe alternatives!
- Plain Natural Yogurt
- Frozen berries: Blackberries / Blueberries / Strawberries / Cranberries / Banana / Apple / Mango / Pineapple
- Ice Cubes in water
Mixing crushed berries into plain natural yogurt and freezing it, can make a tasty, refreshing treat for you dog. It can also help our busy dogs slow down after a play session. Licking is a naturally calming task for dogs so they can really focus on their new treat whilst they chill.
Check out this recipe from our Wellness CORE Instagram for Pupsicles!:
Have you tried our Savoury Medleys? These can be perfect for a quick, hydrating treat, or a full meal for our smaller breeds. Adding wet food into their diet can add extra hydration and flavour.
Mixers and toppers can also add a boost of nutrients such as proteins, vitamins and minerals. Click the image to find out more!
Signs of Heatstroke
Heatstroke can be fatal for dogs if not recognised and treated quickly. Dogs who are older, have thick coats or are brachycephalic, such as Bulldogs, Pugs, Shih Tzus, Boxers etc, are at a higher risk due to their shorter nasal canals. A dog suffering from heatstroke will have the following symptoms:
- Heavy panting and difficulty breathing
- Excessively drooling
- Lethargic, drowsy or uncoordinated demeanor
- Collapsed or vomiting
If you suspect your dog has heatstroke, contact your vet or emergency vet immediately. You can do the following to help cool them down:
- Move them to a cooler area.
- Pour cold (not freezing! This can cause shock) water over their body. Tap water, 15-16°C, has been found to be the most effective at cooling dogs with heat-related illnesses. Avoid their heads when doing this to prevent them breathing any water.
- Allow them to drink small amounts of cool water.
- Contact your vet.
With these precautions in place, we can enjoy the warmer weather safely with our pooches.
They make our summers special, lets enjoy the golden hour together.